
Geological Quarterly 64/4

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Wybrane artykuły / Table of Contents


Mark G. ROWAN, Piotr KRZYWIEC, Krzysztof BUKOWSKI and Jerzy PRZYBYŁO – Nature and origin of large-scale and intrasalt deformation within the Wieliczka salt mine, Poland

Jolanta MUSZER – First discovery of Mississippian trace fossils in the Świebodzice Unit from the Witoszów region (SW Poland)

Adrian MARCISZAK and Grzegorz LIPECKI – Fossil bear material from the oldest deposits in the Jasna Strzegowska cave (Silesia, southern Poland)

Adrian MARCISZAK and Grzegorz LIPECKI – The history of bears (Ursidae, Carnivora, Mammalia) from Silesia (southern Poland) and the neighbouring areas 

Akos KERESZTURI, Bernadett PAL and Akos GYENIS – Temperature and humidity monitoring to identify ideal periods for liquefaction on Earth and Mars – data from the High Andes

Damian MOSKALEWICZ, Karol TYLMANN, Piotr Paweł WOZNIAK, Natalia KOPYŚĆ and Piotr MOSKA – Fluvial response to environmental conditions during MIS 4-3: a sedimentary record at the Brześnica site, central-western Poland 

Ramona BĂLC, Carmen ROBA, Gheorghe ROźIAN, Dan COSTIN, Csaba HORVATH, Octavia Raluca ZGLOBIU and Diana CHIRTOź – Changes in the physico-chemical properties of topsoil in a landslide-affected area (western part of the Transylvanian Basin, Romania)

Dawid BIAŁEK – Geochemistry and geochronology of the Jawornik granitoids, Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, Sudetes, Poland

Sławomir MEDERSKI, Jaroslav PRžEk and Żaneta Niemasz – Geochemistry of tetrahedrite group minerals and associated silver paragenesis in the Boguszów baryte deposit, Poland

Piotr OLCHOWY and Marcin KRAJEWSKI – Lower Kimmeridgian facies and sedimentary succession of a shallow-water coated-grain-dominated carbonate ramp of the northern peri-Tethyan shelf: an example from the Radomsko Folds (central Poland)

Anna PASIECZNA, Agnieszka KONON and Weronika NADŁONEK – Sources of anthropogenic contamination of soil in the Upper Silesian Agglomeration (southern Poland)

Simina Dumitriţa DUMITRIU,  Zofia DUBICKA, Sergiu LOGHIN, Mihaela Carmen MELINTE-DOBRINESCU and Jolanta PARUCH-KULCZYCKA – The evolution of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin during the latest Badenian and Sarmatian (Middle Miocene): inferences from micropalaeontological data

Anna BECKER, Anna FIJAŁKOWSKA-MADER and Marek JASIONOWSKI – Marine vs. terrestrial environments during Early Triassic deposition on the northeastern margin of the Central European Basin – a multidisciplinary study on the Middle Buntsandstein of the Bartoszyce IG 1 borehole, NE Poland

Katarzyna SKOLASIŃSKA, Bogumił NOWAK and Katarzyna BRADTKE – A two-decade record of variations in suspended sediment in the Warta River, a lowland river in western Poland


rok wydania 2020
okładka miękka
autor Opracowanie zbiorowe
ilość stron 244
ISSN 1641-7291
język wydania polski
format A4

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