
Geological Quarterly 63/4

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Wybrane artykuły / Table of Contents


Witold Paweł ALEXANDROWICZ – Record of environmental changes and fluvial phases in the Late Holocene within the area of Podhale (the Carpathians, southern Poland): studies in the Falsztyński valley

Robert DUDA and Justyna STANEK – Preliminary long-term predictive modelling of groundwater resourcesin view of climate change – a case study from eastern Poland

Piotr OLCHOWY, Marcin KRAJEWSKI and Ireneusz FELISIAK – Late Jurassic facies succession of the Kleszczów Graben area (southern border of the Łódź Depression, peri-Tethyan shelf, central Poland)

Mariola MARSZAŁEK, Krzysztof DUDEK, Adam GAWEŁ and Jerzy CZERNY – Mineralogical and geochemical studies of secondary mineral assemblages related to deterioration of building materials

Maciej Krzysztof SWĘD and Agata DUCZMAL-CZERNIKIEWICZ – Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of calamines from the Olkusz zinc and lead ore district (South Poland)

Dorota KRAWCZYK, Michalina FLIEGER-SZYMAŃSKA and Dariusz WANATOWSKI – Liquid limit of selected postglacial soils from west-central Poland

Justyna TOPOLSKA, Tomasz BAJDA, Bartosz PUZIO, Maciej MANECKI and Gabriela KOZUB-BUDZYŃ – Time constraints on experimental studies of lead apatites

Viacheslav ANDREYCHOUK, Tomasz BLACHOWICZ and Maciej DŁUŻEWSKI – Fractal analysis of tropical karst relief – South China Karst case study

Sara WRÓBLEWSKA and Małgorzata KOZŁOWSKA – Influence of primary composition and diagenetic mineralization on natural gamma-ray and density logs of Carboniferous sandstones of the Dęblin Formation

Sheida AKMALI, Abbas ASIABANHA and Shahrooz HAGHNAZAR – Cretaceous magmatic evolution in the Deylaman igneous complex, Alborz zone, Iran: change from extensional to compressional regime

Tomasz TOBOŁA, Katarzyna CYRAN and Marek REMBIŚ – Microhardness analysis of halite from different salt-bearing formations

Barbara BIELOWICZ and Paweł BARAN – CO2 sorption properties of selected lithotypes of lignite from Polish deposits

Marek KRĄPIEC, Natalia NAWROCKA, Włodzimierz MARGIELEWSKI and Elżbieta SZYCHOWSKA-KRĄPIEC – Dendrogeomorphological analysis of the Sawicki Landslide in the Beskid Niski Mountains (S Poland)

Antonín PŘICHYSTAL, Pavel BURGERT and Petr GADAS – Marble from Neolithic quarries at the Bílý Kámen Hill near Sázava (Czech Republic) and its petrographic-geochemical characterization

Piotr DEMCZUK, Tymoteusz ZYDROŃ and Marcin SIŁUCH – Rainfall thresholds for the occurrence of shallow landslides determined for slopes in the Nowy Wiśnicz Foothills (Polish Flysch Carpathians)

Jacek STANISZ and Zenon PILECKI – Pore pressure profiling in Siercza landslide colluvium in the Carpathian flysch using a Cone Penetration Test (CPTU)

Krzysztof BUCZEK – Dating landslides in the Gorce Mts. (Polish Outer Carpathians) – preliminary results 

Jadwiga PIECZONKA, Chau Dinh NGUYEN, Adam PIESTRZYŃSKI and Phon Khanh LE – Timing of ore mineralization using ore mineralogy and U-Pb dating, Iron Oxide Copper Gold Sin Quyen deposit, North Vietnam

Contents of volume 63 (2019)


rok wydania 2019
okładka miękka
autor Opracowanie zbiorowe
ilość stron 248
ISSN 1641-7291
język wydania polski
format A4

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