
Geological Quarterly 62/4

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Wybrane artykuły / Table of Contents

Tomasz ŻUK, Zbigniew MAŁOLEPSZY and Ewa SZYNKARUK – Analogue GPR study of the Permian fanglomerates from Zygmuntówka Quarry near Chęciny, Holy Cross Mountains, southern Poland, for construction of a training image for multiple point simulations

Stanisław LESZCZYŃSKI – Integrated sedimentological and ichnological study of the Coniacian sedimentation in North Sudetic Basin, SW Poland

Natalia SAWICKA, Janusz JANECZEK, Monika FABIAŃSKA, Krzysztof BAHRANOWSKI, Tomasz KRZYKAWSKI and Aniela MATUSZEWSKA – Mineralogy and organic geochemistry of phyllite from the Dewon–Pokrzywna deposit, the Opava Mountains (SW Poland)

Karel ŽÁK, Vladimír LIPTÁK, Michal FILIPPI, Monika ORVOŠOVÁ, Helena HERCMAN and Šárka MATOUŠKOVÁ – Cryogenic carbonates and cryogenic speleothem damage in the Za Hájovnou Cave (Javoříčko Karst, Czech Republic)

Andrzej PSZCZÓŁKOWSKI – Upper Jurassic bacteria from the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation in the Mały Giewont area (Western Tatra Mountains, Poland)

Petr JIRMAN, Eva GERŠLOVÁ, Magdalena PUPP and Miroslav BUBÍK – Geochemical characteristics, thermal maturity and source rock potential of the Oligocene Šitbořice Member of the Menilite Formation in the Ždánice Unit (Czech Republic)

Jacek B. SZMAŃDA – Main determinants of the grain size distribution of overbank deposits in Poland – an overview of literature on models of sedimentation

Diana DIRNEROVÁ and Roman FARKAŠOVSKÝ – Sedimentary record comparison of the Piwniczna and Poprad sandstones (Magura Unit, Outer Carpathians) – a study from the border area of eastern Slovakia and Poland

Julia ONNEKEN, Michael SCHRAMM and Jörg HAMMER – Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Tonmittelsalz (z3TM) and Tonbrockensalz (z4TS) as “zuber” equivalents in the German Zechstein (Upper Permian)

Małgorzata PISARSKA-JAMROŻY, A.J. (Tom) VAN LOON and Małgorzata BRONIKOWSKA – Dumpstones as records of overturning ice rafts in a Weichselian proglacial lake (Rügen Island, NE Germany)

Rafał SIUDA and Anna MACIOCH – Secondary arsenic minerals from the Złoty Stok As-Au abandoned mine (SW Poland)

Contents of volume 62 (2018)


rok wydania 2019
okładka miękka
autor Opracowanie zbiorowe
ilość stron 188
ISSN 1641-7291
język wydania angielski
format A4

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