
Geological Quarterly 62/2

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Wybrane artykuły / Table of contents:

Vladimir G. BAKHMUTOV, Eva HALÁSOVÁ, Daria K. IVANOVA, Štefan JÓZSA, Daniela REHÁKOVÁ and William A.P. WIMBLEDON – Biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the uppermost Tithonian–Lower Berriasian in the Theodosia area of Crimea (southern Ukraine)

Teresa OBERC-DZIEDZIC, Ryszard KRYZA, Stanisław MADEJ and Christian PIN – The Saxothuringian Terrane affinity of the metamorphic Stachów Complex (Strzelin Massif, Fore-Sudetic Block, Poland) inferred from zircon ages

Jolanta SMOLEŃ and Jolanta IWAŃCZUK – Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Jurassic of the Polish Lowlands: the state of the art

Tomasz WOZNIAK, Grzegorz BANIA, Włodzimierz J. MOŚCICKI and Michał ĆWIKLIK – Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and sedimentological analysis applied to investigation of Upper Jurassic limestones from the Krzeszowice Graben (Kraków Upland, southern Poland)

Krzysztof BUKOWSKI, Karin SANT, Monika PILARZ, Klaudia KUIPER and Małgorzata GARECKA – Radio-isotopic age and biostratigraphic position of a lower Badenian tuffite from the western Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Cieszyn area)

Gabriela A. KOZUB-BUDZYŃ and Adam PIESTRZYŃSKI – The first occurrence of cupropearceite in the Kupferschiefer deposit, Lubin mine, SW Poland

Anna WYSOCKA, Maciej ŁOZIŃSKI, Michał ŚMIGIELSKI, Urszula CZARNIECKA and Maciej BOJANOWSKI – New data on the age of the sedimentary infill of the Orava-Nowy Targ Basin – a case study of the Bystry Stream succession (Middle/Upper Miocene, Western Carpathians)

Fanwei MENG, Yongsheng ZHANG, Anatoliy R. GALAMAY, Krzysztof BUKOWSKI, Pei NI, Enyuan XING and Limin JI – Ordovician seawater composition: evidence from fluid inclusions in halite

Łukasz KRUSZEWSKI and Marek DEC – Plumbogummite group minerals in Lower Devonian placoderm sandstones from Podłazie Hill, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland

Marek SOŁTYSIAK, Dominika DĄBROWSKA, Konrad JAŁOWIECKI and Vahid NOURANI – A multi-method approach to groundwater risk assessment: a case study of a landfill in southern Poland

Gintautas ŽILINSKAS, Darius JARMALAVIČIUS and Donatas PUPIENIS – The influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on grain size distribution along the southeastern Baltic spits

Sedigheh ZIRJANIZADEH, Fernando ROCHA and Somayeh SAMIEE – Mineralogical, geochemical and stable isotope studies of kaolin deposits in north-west Gonabad district (eastern Iran)

Michał STACHACZ, Weronika ŁASKA and Alfred UCHMAN – Large cruzianid trace fossils in the Ordovician of the peri-Baltic area: the case of the Bukówka Formation (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)

Artur KĘDZIOR and Mihai Emilian POPA – An Early Jurassic braided river system from Mehadia, South Carpathians, Romania

Akos KERESZTURI, Krisztian FINTOR, Ildiko GYOLLAI, Zsolt KERESZTY, Mate SZABO, Zoltan SZALAI and Helena WALTER – Shock heterogeneity and shock history of the recently found ordinary Csátalja chondrite in Hungary

Abdolnaser FAZLNIA – Geochemistry and tectonic setting of the Chah-Bazargan sub-volcanic mafic dykes, south Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone (SSZ), Iran


rok wydania 2018
okładka miękka
autor Opracowanie zbiorowe
ilość stron 262
ISSN 1641-7291
język wydania angielski
format A4

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